Tamara Lees1924-12-14
Filumena Marturano1951-11-15
Toto the Sheik1950-11-30
Frontier Wolf1951-01-01
Le Imprese di una Spada Leggendaria1958-03-03
Frine cortigiana d'Oriente1953-12-02
Il tallone di Achille1952-08-18
The Contessa's Secret1954-09-26
Girls Marked Danger1952-09-25
Il segreto delle tre punte1952-09-26
Incatenata dal destino1956-02-24
The Mysterious Swordsman1956-05-25
Beautiful But Dangerous1955-10-21
I Always Loved You1953-12-09
È arrivato l'accordatore1952-10-09
Sword in the Shadows1961-01-01
Agosto, donne mie non vi conosco1959-08-20
A Dog’s Life1950-09-30
Her Favourite Husband1950-05-11
Noi peccatori1953-03-21
The Queen of Babylon1954-12-28
Beauties in Capri1951-11-10
Foreign Earth1954-01-15
The City Defends Itself1951-10-12
Bond Street1948-05-12
Wonderful Adventures of Guerrin Meschino1952-02-13
Anna, Forgive Me1953-05-01
Agosto, donne mie non vi conosco1959-08-20
Toys and perfumes1953-01-01
Torna piccina mia!1955-03-30
Knights of the Queen1954-12-24
While the Sun Shines1947-02-01
Tizio, Caio, Sempronio1951-12-15
Songs from all over Italy1955-01-01
Goodbye, Naples!1955-01-07
Spring song1951-03-23