1949-12-14 | 0 minutes
Plot Summary
Drama set in Milan in 1858. Dr. Antonio Ansperti from Como, implicated in the clandestine activities of the Young Italy revolutionary movement, is arrested by the Austrian authorities. After a trial he is sentenced to death and executed, in spite of efforts by his countryman Count Lamberti to intervene on his behalf with the Governor of Milan.
Clara CalamaiGiuditta Ansperti
Nyta DoverMrs. Dollman
Harry FeistVarzis, officer
Fulvia FrancoMrs. Pochini
Olga Vittoria GentilliCountess Lamberti
Fosco GiachettiTito Ansperti
Enrico GloriBaraffini
Tamara LeesAnna
Paul MüllerCesky, il segretario del governatore di Milano
Amedeo NazzariVitaliano Lamberti