Vladimir Treshchalov1937-09-25
First Joys1978-07-04
Blokada: Pulkovskiy meredian1975-11-17
Maestro With Thread1991-04-01
Until the Thunder Strikes1991-06-01
Primary Russia1986-03-31
The Caravan Of Death1991-08-24
The Criminal Quartet1989-01-01
The Public House1989-07-10
The Elusive Revengers1967-09-21
Penalty Kick1963-07-04
Battle on the way1961-09-26
Hunting to Live1991-01-01
Spring Chores1964-03-03
Полынь - трава горькая1982-06-17
No Password Necessary1967-11-13
I've Bought Myself a Father1963-04-28
Going Inside a Storm1965-11-15
The Siege: Leningrad Metronome1977-12-01
The Siege: Operation "Iskra"1977-12-02
Yurka - the Son of the Commander1984-08-06
Fig to Kokui!1993-09-19
Doublet Shooting1980-08-25
Squad "D"1993-07-17