Until the Thunder Strikes
1991-06-01 | 127 minutes
Plot Summary
Few months before collapse of USSR. Villages and collective farms are facing with problem: young and working age people leaving countryside for better life in cities. Same problem in collapsing collective farm near Moscow - the only mechanic and harvester driver decides to leave his native village because he feels deeply offended for being severely punished for breakdown harvester. But his countrymen disagree with his decision and try to prevent his escape.
Sergei ParshinAlexey Voronin
Yekaterina VasilyevaNadezhda Voronina
Mikhail GluzskiyMezhakov
Larisa DanilinaZavyalova
Yuriy KuzmenkovZavyalov
Evgeniy FilatovKutuzov
Viktor SmirnovKuznetsov
Viktor FilippovMichael
Nina RuslanovaValentina
Emmanuil Vitorganzaveduyushchiy rayono
Lyubov SokolovaOlimpiada Vasilievna
Galina SamokhinaMaria Prokopievna
Boris Galkinbutcher
Viktor ZozulinYuriy
Stanislav MikhinKuimych
Aleksandr LebedevPetya Korzhnev
Vladimir TreshchalovPepsi
Ivan Agafonovchief
Aleksandr LenkovMytar'
Gennady MatveevMilton, limit police officer