Andrey Myagkov1938-07-08
Office Romance1977-10-26
The Irony of Fate. The Sequel2007-12-21
Misha's Anniversary1994-12-31
Above All Else1988-09-01
The Irony of Fate, or Enjoy Your Bath!1975-12-31
A Cruel Romance1984-06-06
4:0 Tanechka Ahead1982-06-06
The Tale of Fedot, the Shooter2002-06-06
The Garage1979-11-23
Days of the Turbins1976-11-01
Vertical Races1982-10-10
Contract with Death1998-06-06
Poor Lisa1967-01-01
No Great Loss...1983-11-01
There's Good Weather in Deribasovskaya, Or It's Raining Again in Brighton Beach1993-04-01
Free Fall1988-05-01
Obstacle Course1984-06-01
You Wrote to Me...1976-10-02
Страх высоты1976-03-19
The Morning Round1980-04-09
Roll over Your Head1987-12-14
The Lower Depths1972-09-05
Accept a Telegram for Credit1979-12-27
Sit Next to Me, Mishka!1977-08-10
Нежданный гость1972-07-14
Adventures of a Dentist1967-02-27
From Pay to Pay1986-02-17
Отпуск, который не состоялся1977-03-21
My Destiny1974-05-02
The 32 of December2004-12-31
The Last Road1986-09-26
From Lopatin's Notes1975-02-02
Balalaykin and K1973-05-28
Your Special Correspondent1987-01-01
The Interviewer1987-06-01
The Brothers Karamazov1969-01-10
Look Back!1983-08-29
The Old House1970-03-23
Кто приходит в зимний вечер2006-01-01
Am I Guilty?..1992-12-11