Henric Holmberg1946-01-04
Bear's Kiss2002-11-28
Skånska mord - Esarparen1986-03-05
1985 - Vad hände katten i råttans år?1985-04-12
Sven Klang's Combo1976-09-22
Release the Prisoners to Spring1975-12-06
Mondays with Fanny1977-08-31
The Last Sentence2012-12-07
The Fourth King2006-12-17
Stannar du så springer jag1995-11-17
The Jonsson Gang2021-10-07
Albert Speer2004-01-12
The Flight of the Eagle1982-08-26
Hej du himlen!1983-08-31
The Girl2009-02-10
The Mozart Brothers1986-02-21