Dennis O'Neil1939-05-03
Robin: The Story of Dick Grayson2010-07-27
Legends of the Dark Knight: The History of Batman2005-11-15
Batman Unmasked: The Psychology of The Dark Knight2008-07-15
Superman vs. Batman: When Heroes Collide2013-01-29
Comic Book Superheroes Unmasked2003-07-01
The Science of Superman2006-06-29
Look, Up in the Sky! The Amazing Story of Superman2006-06-12
Joker: Put on a Happy Face2020-08-18
The Fire Rises: The Creation and Impact of The Dark Knight Trilogy2013-09-24
Batman Year One: A Conversation with DC Comics2011-10-11
Heart of Vengeance: Returning Batman to His Roots2011-10-18
Secret Origin: The Story of DC Comics2010-11-09
Knight Immortal2019-09-03