Marilyn LightstoneUnknown
Heavy Metal1981-08-07
Abraxas, Guardian of the Universe1990-12-18
Anne of Green Gables1985-12-01
GoBots: Battle of the Rock Lords1986-03-21
Lies My Father Told Me1975-09-26
In Praise of Older Women1978-09-22
Rescuers: Stories of Courage - Two Couples1998-05-10
Anne of Green Gables: The Sequel1987-05-19
Mary and Joseph: A Story of Faith1979-12-09
Heathcliff: The Movie1986-01-17
The Surrogate1984-10-15
The Wild Pony1983-05-07
The Tin Flute1983-08-28
Blind Justice1986-03-09
Dennis the Menace: Cruise Control2002-02-01
Madeline: My Fair Madeline2002-11-11