Bud Jamison1895-02-14
Cinderella's Feller1940-06-08
The Tramp1915-04-12
Disorder in the Court1936-05-30
Li'l Abner1940-11-09
Hold Your Temper1933-12-15
Moving Vanities1939-05-05
Making Good1926-12-06
The Champion1915-03-11
Movie Maniacs1936-02-20
Men in Black1934-09-28
Uncivil Warriors1935-04-26
South of the Boudoir1940-05-17
A Pain in the Pullman1936-06-27
Hoi Polloi1935-08-29
Whoops, I'm an Indian!1936-09-11
Woman Haters1934-05-05
Ants in the Pantry1936-02-06
Wee Wee Monsieur1938-02-18
Dizzy Doctors1937-03-19
Termites of 19381938-01-07
Back to the Woods1937-05-14
A Jitney Elopement1915-04-01
Mutts to You1938-10-14
Jail Bait1937-01-08
A Ducking They Did Go1939-04-07
Love Nest on Wheels1937-03-26
Three Little Sew and Sews1939-01-06
By the Sea1915-04-29
A Burlesque on Carmen1915-12-18
In the Park1915-03-18
A Night Out1915-02-15
Triple Trouble1918-08-11
Ask Father1919-02-09
The Wrestler's Bride1933-01-20
Pardon My Berth Marks1940-03-22
Mooching Through Georgia1939-08-11
General Nuisance1941-09-18
She's Oil Mine1941-11-20
Ring Up the Curtain1919-04-27
We Never Sleep1917-12-02
Clubs Are Trump1917-11-18
From Laramie to London1917-10-21
Love, Laughs and Lather1917-11-04
Birds of a Feather1917-10-07
Over the Fence1917-09-09
Lonesome Luke's Lively Life1917-03-18
Lonesome Luke Loses Patients1917-09-16
Lonesome Luke on Tin Can Alley1917-04-15
Luke's Trolley Troubles1917-02-04
Luke Locates the Loot1916-12-24
Luke's Fireworks Fizzle1916-12-17
Luke and the Bang-Tails1916-10-15
Luke and the Mermaids1916-09-18
Luke's Speedy Club Life1916-10-01
Luke's Lost Lamb1916-08-07
Luke, Patient Provider1916-11-19
Luke, Rank Impersonator1916-12-10
Luke Does the Midway1916-08-21
Sham Poo, the Magician1932-11-25
A Texas Steer1927-12-04
Stork Mad1926-01-01
Phony Express1943-11-18
The Three Stooges: Kings Of Laughter2001-05-02
Share the Wealth1936-05-08
Come and Get It1936-11-06
The Fugitive Sheriff1936-10-19
A Tragedy at Midnight1942-02-02
I Am the Law1938-08-25
Tassels in the Air1938-04-01
The Grand Parade1930-02-02
Three Little Beers1935-11-28
Three Sappy People1939-12-01
Crash Goes the Hash1944-02-04
Three Smart Saps1942-07-30
So Long Mr. Chumps1941-02-07
Loco Boy Makes Good1942-01-08
Back from the Front1943-05-28
Three Little Twirps1943-07-09
Alibi Bye Bye1935-06-14
Luke's Double1916-04-12
The Leather Necker1935-05-08
Pistols for Breakfast1919-06-08
Bees in His Bonnet1918-09-15
Why Pick on Me?1918-10-12
Off the Trolley1919-06-22
On the Fire1919-02-22
Nothing But Trouble1918-10-26
A Jazzed Honeymoon1919-08-02
An Ache in Every Stake1941-08-22
Luke's Busy Day1917-01-21
Luke's Lost Liberty1917-01-07
Lonesome Luke, Lawyer1917-02-18
Luke Wins Ye Ladye Faire1917-02-25
Lonesome Luke, Mechanic1917-08-19
Lonesome Luke's Honeymoon1917-05-20
Stop! Luke! Listen!1917-07-15
Move On1917-12-09
Step Lively1917-12-30
Here Come the Girls1918-03-17
Hear 'Em Rave1918-12-01
Wanted - $5,0001919-01-12
Kicking the Germ Out of Germany1918-07-21
Two Scrambled1918-09-01
She Loves Me Not1918-12-29
Swing Your Partners1918-09-29
Going! Going! Gone!1919-01-25
I'm on My Way1919-03-08
The Dutiful Dub1919-03-23
Si, Senor1919-05-11
Chop Suey & Co.1919-08-17
Heap Big Chief1919-08-24
Luke's Movie Muddle1916-12-03
Luke's Preparedness Preparations1916-11-05
Luke's Fatal Flivver1916-06-19
Luke's Society Mixup1916-06-26
Luke's Newsie Knockout1916-11-26
Luke, the Gladiator1916-11-12
Luke Laughs Last1916-06-05
Luke's Shattered Sleep1916-12-31
Luke's Late Lunchers1916-05-22
Luke, the Chauffeur1916-10-29
The Chaser1928-02-12
Don't Shove1919-08-31
Many Unhappy Returns1937-10-14
A Doggone Mixup1938-12-05
It Happened Tomorrow1944-03-31
Sugar Plum Papa1930-02-16
Take a Chance1918-12-15
Young Mr. Jazz1919-04-20
Hangmen Also Die!1943-04-15
Dutiful But Dumb1941-03-21
The Unknown Ranger1936-09-15
Chasing Choo Choos1927-06-21
I'll Never Heil Again1941-04-04
The Old Barn1929-02-03
Lonesome Luke, Messenger1917-08-05
A Plumbing We Will Go1940-04-19
Even as IOU1942-09-18
Too Many Highballs1933-02-10
Doughnuts and Society1936-03-27
Forty Naughty Girls1937-09-24
Back to the Woods1919-05-31
The Dentist1932-12-09
Don't Play Bridge With Your Wife1933-01-13
In Person1935-11-22
Count Your Change1919-08-10
What Price Taxi1932-08-13
Pot o' Gold1941-04-03
Smith's Uncle1926-11-14
The Floorwalker1916-05-15
Rattling Romeo1939-07-14
The Soilers1932-10-29
Strictly Unreliable1932-04-30
A Very Honorable Guy1934-04-18
The Lone Wolf Spy Hunt1939-01-27
Luke Joins the Navy1916-09-04
Tarnished Angel1938-10-28
On the Wrong Trek1936-04-18
Do You Love Your Wife?1919-01-05
Grand Slam Opera1936-02-21
Almost a Gentleman1939-03-31
Slightly Honorable1939-12-22
Holiday Inn1942-01-01
Rafter Romance1933-09-01
Off Again, On Again1945-02-16
Boobs in the Woods1940-05-31
Money Squawks1940-04-05
The Heckler1940-02-16
Sea Shore Shapes1921-01-02
Musical Movieland1944-09-09
Moby Dick1930-09-20
Lonesome Luke's Wild Women1917-09-02
Hustling for Health1919-02-02
Groom and Bored1942-04-09
A Blitz on the Fritz1943-01-22
Just Rambling Along1918-11-03
Strange Innertube1932-09-16
The Payoff1935-01-09
His First Flame1927-05-02
Captain Caution1940-08-09
The Monster and the Girl1941-02-28
Little Men1940-11-29
True to Life1943-12-24
Casanova Brown1944-08-23
Wonder Bar1934-03-31
Her Cardboard Lover1942-07-16
Look Out Below1919-03-16
Man Bites Lovebug1937-12-24
Wild Bill Hickok Rides1942-01-31
I Can Hardly Wait1943-08-13
Violent Is the Word for Curly1938-07-02
We Want Our Mummy1939-02-24
Sock-a-Bye Baby1942-11-13
Healthy, Wealthy and Dumb1938-05-20
Dizzy Detectives1943-02-05
There's Always a Woman1938-04-20
His Regeneration1915-05-07
Heart Trouble1928-10-01
'Taint Legal1940-05-25
Pest from the West1939-06-16
His Busy Day1918-04-28
Murder in Greenwich Village1937-11-03
Contented Calves1934-08-06
Life Begins with Love1937-10-06
Bear Knees1928-08-05
His Unlucky Night1928-08-12
Tramp, Tramp, Tramp!1942-04-02
Double Up1943-12-29
The Arizona Express1924-03-23
Lost in a Harem1944-12-01
Dora's Dunking Doughnuts1933-09-01
A Night in the Show1915-11-20
Lonesome Luke, Plumber1917-06-17
You Can't Escape Forever1942-10-10
Buck Privates1928-01-29
Vamping Babies1926-06-27
A Burlesque on the Opera Carmen1951-03-01
Teacher's Pest1939-11-02
His Bridal Fright1940-07-12
The Sap Takes a Wrap1939-03-10
The Grand Hooter1937-05-07
The Big Squirt1937-09-17
The Wrong Miss Wright1937-06-18
From Bad to Worse1937-06-04
Next Aisle Over1919-03-30
The Frame-Up1937-05-02
Kansas City Kitty1944-08-24