Harold Lloyd1893-04-18
The Patchwork Girl of Oz1914-09-28
The Sin of Harold Diddlebock1947-04-04
Take a Chance1918-12-15
Safety Last!1923-04-01
Grandma's Boy1922-09-03
The Hollywood Clowns1979-03-23
Girl Shy1924-04-20
An Eastern Westerner1920-05-02
The Cat's-Paw1934-08-07
Why Worry?1923-09-09
The Milky Way1936-02-07
The Freshman1925-09-20
Feet First1930-10-30
From Hand to Mouth1919-12-28
For Heaven's Sake1926-04-05
Hot Water1924-10-26
Dr. Jack1922-11-26
A Sailor-Made Man1921-12-25
Never Weaken1921-10-22
Number, Please?1920-12-26
Yesterday and Today1953-12-02
The Kid Brother1927-01-17
Bumping Into Broadway1919-11-02
High and Dizzy1920-07-11
Haunted Spooks1920-03-14
Now or Never1921-03-27
Among Those Present1921-05-29
Ask Father1919-02-09
Billy Blazes, Esq.1919-07-06
Welcome Danger1929-10-12
Get Out and Get Under1920-09-26
Professor Beware1938-07-29
Movie Crazy1932-09-23
I Do1921-09-11
Pay Your Dues1919-10-12
His Royal Slyness1920-02-08
Captain Kidd's Kids1919-11-30
Two-Gun Gussie1918-05-19
Spring Fever1919-06-29
The City Slicker1918-06-02
Somewhere in Turkey1918-06-16
Are Crooks Dishonest?1918-06-23
Just Neighbors1919-07-13
Kicking the Germ Out of Germany1918-07-21
Sic 'Em, Towser1918-06-09
Swing Your Partners1918-09-29
Two Scrambled1918-09-01
Ring Up the Curtain1919-04-27
That's Him1918-08-04
The Non-Stop Kid1918-05-12
Move On1917-12-09
We Never Sleep1917-12-02
Si, Senor1919-05-11
Pipe the Whiskers1918-04-14
All Aboard1917-11-25
Love, Laughs and Lather1917-11-04
Birds of a Feather1917-10-07
Rainbow Island1917-10-28
The Flirt1917-11-11
Clubs Are Trump1917-11-18
From Laramie to London1917-10-21
By the Sad Sea Waves1917-09-30
Lonesome Luke Loses Patients1917-09-16
Luke's Trolley Troubles1917-02-04
Over the Fence1917-09-09
Lonesome Luke's Lively Life1917-03-18
Lonesome Luke, Messenger1917-08-05
Lonesome Luke on Tin Can Alley1917-04-15
Luke's Speedy Club Life1916-10-01
Luke and the Bang-Tails1916-10-15
Luke Locates the Loot1916-12-24
Luke and the Mermaids1916-09-18
Luke, Patient Provider1916-11-19
Luke Rides Roughshod1916-07-10
Luke, Rank Impersonator1916-12-10
Luke's Fireworks Fizzle1916-12-17
Luke, Crystal Gazer1916-07-24
Luke's Lost Lamb1916-08-07
Luke Does the Midway1916-08-21
Luke's Movie Muddle1916-12-03
The Slappiest Days of Our Lives1951-03-23
Young Mr. Jazz1919-04-20
Spit-ball Sadie1915-07-31
Her Painted Hero1915-11-20
Rory o' the Bogs1913-12-22
Some Baby1915-09-20
A Mixup for Mazie1915-09-06
The Hungry Actors1915-06-17
From Italy's Shores1915-05-19
Close-Cropped Clippings1915-01-30
Luke Joins the Navy1916-09-04
Fireman Save My Child1918-05-25
Next Aisle Over1919-03-30
Never Touched Me1919-07-26
On the Fire1919-02-22
Why Pick on Me?1918-10-12
I'm on My Way1919-03-08
A Sammy in Siberia1919-04-06
A Jazzed Honeymoon1919-08-02
Going! Going! Gone!1919-01-25
Don't Shove1919-08-31
Harold Lloyd's World of Comedy1962-12-04
Hear 'Em Rave1918-12-01
Count Your Change1919-08-10
Chop Suey & Co.1919-08-17
An Ozark Romance1918-07-06
The Marathon1919-05-25
Twixt Love and Fire1914-02-23
Look Pleasant, Please1918-03-10
A Submarine Pirate1915-12-26
Hey There1918-04-28
Back to the Woods1919-05-31
Hit Him Again1918-02-17
Luke's Shattered Sleep1916-12-31
Giving Them Fits1915-11-01
Funny Side of Life1963-08-01
Court House Crooks1915-07-05
Miss Fatty's Seaside Lovers1915-05-14
Love, Loot and Crash1915-04-23
Their Social Splash1915-04-26
Hedda Hopper's Hollywood1960-01-10
Step Lively1917-12-30
The Big Idea1917-12-30
A Gasoline Wedding1918-03-03
Look Out Below1919-03-16
Added Attractions: The Hollywood Shorts Story2002-02-05
Peculiar Patients' Pranks1915-12-22
Luke and the Rural Roughnecks1916-03-01
Lonesome Luke's Wild Women1917-09-02
Luke, the Candy Cut-Up1916-01-31
Harold Lloyd: The Third Genius1989-11-15
Nothing But Trouble1918-10-26
It's a Wild Life1918-04-21
She Loves Me Not1918-12-29
Swat the Crook1919-06-15
Here Come the Girls1918-03-17
Just Dropped In1919-04-13
Crack Your Heels1919-04-20
At the Old Stage Door1919-07-20
The Dutiful Dub1919-03-23
Off the Trolley1919-06-22
Pistols for Breakfast1919-06-08
Heap Big Chief1919-08-24
Beat It1918-02-24
Screen Snapshots (Series 10, No. 8)1931-06-01
Follow the Crowd1918-04-07
The Rajah1919-09-14
Character Studies1927-11-20
Lifetime of Comedy1960-01-01
Bride and Gloom1918-08-18
His Only Father1919-10-19
Sigrid Holmquist2010-10-08
The House That Shadows Built1931-07-08
And the Oscar Goes To...2014-02-01
Ben-Hur: A Tale of the Christ1925-12-25
Luke's Society Mixup1916-06-26
Dogs of War!1923-07-01
Bughouse Bellhops1915-11-08
Bees in His Bonnet1918-09-15
The Lamb1918-02-03
Tinkering with Trouble1915-11-17
Ruses, Rhymes and Roughnecks1915-12-15
Wanted - $5,0001919-01-12
Great While It Lasted1915-11-22
Ragtime Snap Shots1915-11-29
A Foozle at the Tee Party1915-12-08
Lonesome Luke, Social Gangster1915-12-29
Lonesome Luke Leans to the Literary1916-01-05
Them Was the Happy Days!1916-04-26
Luke and the Bomb Throwers1916-05-08
Lonesome Luke Lolls in Luxury1916-01-19
Luke's Double1916-04-12
Luke's Late Lunchers1916-05-22
Luke Foils the Villain1916-02-14
Luke Pipes the Pippins1916-03-15
Luke Lugs Luggage1916-01-12
Lonesome Luke, Circus King1916-03-29
Luke's Washful Waiting1916-07-03
Luke's Fatal Flivver1916-06-19
Luke Laughs Last1916-06-05
Luke, the Chauffeur1916-10-29
Luke's Preparedness Preparations1916-11-05
Lonesome Luke's Lovely Rifle1917-01-01
Lonesome Luke, Plumber1917-06-17
Lonesome Luke, Lawyer1917-02-18
Lonesome Luke's Honeymoon1917-05-20
Luke's Lost Liberty1917-01-07
Luke, the Gladiator1916-11-12
Luke's Newsie Knockout1916-11-26
Luke Wins Ye Ladye Faire1917-02-25
Luke's Busy Day1917-01-21
Lonesome Luke, Mechanic1917-08-19
Before Breakfast1919-05-18
He Leads, Others Follow1919-09-21
Stop! Luke! Listen!1917-07-15
Soft Money1919-09-28
Hogan's Romance Upset1915-02-13
Jackie Chan: My Story1998-07-17