Georgi Svetlani1895-02-03
Kidnapping, Caucasian Style1967-04-01
War and Peace, Part III: The Year 18121967-07-21
Air Taxi1943-08-26
Following the Sun1961-06-06
War and Peace1968-04-28
The Wind1959-03-16
The Only One1976-03-01
The Secret of the Iron Door1970-12-01
A Noisy Household1946-05-15
Three Came Out of the Woods1958-01-01
Give Me a Complaints Book1964-11-11
White Bim Black Ear1977-09-15
It's All About the Brother1977-11-14
Белорусские новеллы1943-08-20
Gipsy Happiness1981-11-09
The Evening Labyrinth1980-03-28
Cossacks of the Kuban1950-02-26
Swineherd and Shepherd1941-11-11
Until the Thunder Breaks1968-01-01
Polyushko, pole1957-03-15
Unbidden Love1965-03-15
By the Ravine1962-08-08
Когда казаки плачут1964-03-02
How Ivan Ivanovich fell out with Ivan Nikiforovich1959-01-01
A Hero of Our Time1967-02-01
The Siberian Woman1973-03-05
It Happened in Penkovo1958-02-17
Tender Age1983-07-04
Three Poplars on Plyuschikha Street1968-04-29
It Can't Be!1975-10-23
Diamonds for the Dictatorship of the Proletariat1976-06-21
Exercise with Three Unknowns1979-12-13
Third Time1963-04-11
Love You. Waiting. Lena1983-10-24
The Diamond Arm1969-05-23
A Royal Regatta1966-11-27
World Champion1955-02-16
Морские рассказы1967-09-18
Максим Максимыч. Тамань1967-02-01
The Laboratory1979-10-05
The Flight1971-01-14
The Brothers Karamazov1969-01-10