Rusty Lane1899-05-30
Beyond a Reasonable Doubt1956-09-13
Bigger Than Life1956-11-20
The Harder They Fall1956-05-08
Portland Exposé1957-08-11
Johnny Tremain1957-06-19
Spencer's Mountain1963-05-16
The Shadow on the Window1957-03-06
I Want to Live!1958-11-18
High School Confidential!1958-05-30
Dan August: Once Is Never Enough1980-01-01
Appointment with a Shadow1957-09-01
Fury at Showdown1957-04-18
Fourteen Hours1951-04-01
The House on 92nd Street1945-09-10
Damn Citizen1958-03-01
Party Girl1958-10-28
The Rawhide Trail1958-01-25
Boomerang, Dog of Many Talents1968-09-22
Youngblood Hawke1964-11-04
Heart of Darkness1958-11-06
The Liberty Story1957-05-29
Fate Is the Hunter1964-11-08
The New Interns1964-06-01