Jüri Järvet1919-06-18
King Lear1970-12-15
The Secret of Queen Anna or Musketeers 30 Years Later1993-06-06
Marraskuun harmaa valo1993-04-23
City Unplugged1993-06-06
Dead Mountaineer's Hotel1979-08-27
The Visitor1979-01-01
Windy Beach1971-01-03
The Adventurer1983-05-14
Postmark from Vienna1968-01-10
The Dead Season1968-12-20
Under the Same Roof1963-01-28
Philipp Traum1989-06-06
Время вашей жизни1992-05-24
The Last Relic1970-03-23
Candles in the Dark1993-12-03
The New Devil of Hellsbottom1964-06-15
Actor Joller1960-08-28
The Milkman of Mäeküla1965-07-10
He Will Receive1992-08-01
Dangerous Games1974-08-22
The Accident1975-09-04
The Watchmaker and the Chicken1989-06-12
A Fairy Tale Told at Night1981-08-30
Tear of the Prince of Darkness1993-03-06
Spring in the Forest1974-02-11
Daisy Petal Game1978-09-11
The Committee of 191972-04-17
Forest Captain1972-02-16
Murder on the 31st Floor1981-06-13
Murder on the 31st Floor1981-06-13
Uninvited Guests1959-05-17
Girl in Black1967-02-03
Litsom k litsu1986-08-02
Капитан Фракасс1984-03-22
The Red Violin1975-01-20
Time to Live, Time to Love1977-01-10
Wild Violets1980-06-30
Dance Around the Steam Boiler1988-06-13
An Unusual Story1974-12-23
Hundiseaduse aegu1985-03-28
Andrus' Happiness1955-07-18
Laulu sõber1961-06-18