Luděk Kopřiva1924-06-19
Concert for the survivors1977-02-25
Sun, Hay, Helena2003-01-01
Hodinářova svatební cesta korálovým mořem1980-08-15
Smrť šitá na mieru1980-01-18
The Garden1968-12-06
The Medal1980-10-31
Citová výchova jednej Dáše1982-02-05
La Chanson du mal-aimé1982-02-03
How the World Is Losing Poets1982-11-12
Schůzka se stíny1983-09-01
Hearty Greetings from the Globe1983-07-01
Angel in a Devil's Body1984-02-01
Královský omyl1968-12-27
A Nice Plate of Spinach1977-09-09
The Girl on the Broomstick1972-09-08
Fandy ó Fandy1983-12-01
Kačenka a zase ta strašidla1993-04-01
...and again that Lucy!1984-12-01
Case for a Rookie Hangman1970-07-03
Život na úteku1976-08-27
Smrt na černo1977-05-13
The Island of the Silver Herons1977-01-21
Friday Is No Holiday1980-03-14
Prodavač humoru1984-01-01
You Are a Widow, Sir1971-01-15
The Vampire Wedding1993-09-29
Sun, Hay, Berries1984-09-01
Sun, Hay and a Couple of Slaps1989-07-01
Sun, Hay, Erotica1991-04-01
The Last Butterfly1991-01-01
On a Wayward Princess1987-12-01
Love Between the Raindrops1980-05-23
Jsi falešný hráč1987-09-01
Fair Play1987-08-01
Přátelé bermudského trojúhelníku1987-07-01
Zlateh the Goat1973-01-01
An Angel Seduces the Devil1988-11-01
Dobří holubi se vracejí1989-03-01