Robert Eddison1908-06-10
Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade1989-05-24
A TV Dante1990-06-13
Selkirk of Red River1964-01-01
The Angel Who Pawned Her Harp1954-09-09
American Friends1991-03-22
The Boy Who Turned Yellow1972-09-16
Edward II1970-08-06
Uncle Silas1968-11-04
Sixty Glorious Years1938-11-18
Theban Plays: Oedipus the King1986-09-16
Theban Plays: Antigone1986-09-19
The Tragedy of King Richard II1970-07-30
Henry IV Part 21979-12-16
I Was Happy Here1966-04-01
Vice Versa1948-01-28
The Adventures Of Don Quixote1973-01-07
An Affinity with Dr. Still1979-11-28