Doze Niu Cheng-Tse1966-06-22
Millennium Mambo2001-10-31
The Personals1998-03-13
The Game They Call Sex1987-11-05
March of Happiness1999-09-09
What on Earth Have I Done Wrong?!2008-04-11
Banana Paradise1989-12-01
Island of Greed1997-12-23
The Glamorous Boys of Tang1985-11-02
Love Is Grown with Flower1987-01-01
Growing Up1983-01-29
Yes, Sir1987-06-20
The Boys from Fengkuei1983-07-13
Rainy Dog1997-06-28
Young Soldier1990-01-01
Red Rain1999-10-07
One Mile Above2011-11-03
The Kinmen Bombs1986-10-09
A Chance to Die2000-04-29
Accidental Legend1995-01-01
Portrait of a Fanatic1982-10-22
Ann Ann1984-08-25