Udo Samel1953-06-25
Go for Zucker2004-12-31
The Killer Condom1996-08-29
The Piano Teacher2001-09-05
The Film Narrator1993-11-25
Kaspar Hauser1993-09-11
Knife in the Head1978-11-17
Kottan ermittelt: Rien ne va plus2010-10-03
The Call of the Toad2005-09-22
The Case of Mr. Spalt1988-03-25
Friends Forever2012-05-08
Daniel Käfer - Die Villen der Frau Hürsch2005-05-31
Daniel Käfer - Die Schattenuhr2006-05-31
Boundaries of Time - Caspar David Friedrich1986-10-22
The Death of the White Stallion1985-10-02
Winckelmanns Reisen1990-11-29
Serviam – I Will Serve2022-08-09
The Last U-Boat1993-01-02
Die Nachrichten2005-10-03
My Best Enemy2011-02-16
The Volcano1999-10-21
Palermo Shooting2008-11-20
Die Braut1999-05-27
Das Zeugenhaus2014-11-24
Alles Schwindel2013-02-27
A Night at the Grand Hotel2008-10-29
In the Name of Innocence1997-10-11
Die Drei von der Müllabfuhr - Arbeit am Limit2023-10-27
Blumen für Polt2001-09-27
Back to Square One1994-05-26
Class Enemy1983-03-11
71 Fragments of a Chronology of Chance1995-03-10
Das Haus der toten Augen2002-04-27
The End of the Rainbow1979-09-20
Der Hauptmann von Köpenick1997-09-26
Inspector Dupin: Brittany's Tide2017-03-09
Inspector Dupin: Brittany's Pride2017-03-02
Goodbye Berlin2016-09-15
Strauss II: Die Fledermaus2003-07-23
Hundert Jahre Brecht1998-02-26
The Awakening of Motti Wolkenbruch2018-07-05
Faraway, So Close!1993-09-01
Die Kinder aus Nr. 671980-04-11
Life Guidance2018-01-12
The Seventh Continent1989-10-20
Allmen and the Mystery of the Dahlias2019-07-13
The Story of My Wife2021-08-12
Lyrische Suite. Das untergehende Vaterland1992-07-13
How I Taught Myself to Be a Child2019-03-01