Antonio Casale1932-05-17
The Seventh Grave1965-08-18
Syndicate Sadists1975-08-16
The Grand Duel1972-12-29
Silent Action1975-04-05
The Suspect1975-02-21
7 Hours of Violence1973-11-15
Riuscirà l'avvocato Franco Benenato a sconfiggere il suo acerrimo nemico il pretore Ciccio De Ingras?1971-08-19
The Good, the Bad and the Ugly1966-12-22
Lips of Lurid Blue1975-10-29
Quickly, Shootings and Kisses for Breakfast1971-07-27
From Our Copenhagen's Correspondent1970-05-27
The Arena1974-03-13
Diary of a Roman Virgin1973-01-01
Le salamandre1969-02-26
A Man Called Blade1977-08-13
Free Hand for a Tough Cop1976-08-27
The Violent Professionals1973-08-22
The Case Is Closed, Forget It1971-10-27
The Sewer Rats1974-06-05
Killer 77, Alive or Dead1966-08-20
Maciste, Avenger of the Mayans1966-04-13
Duck, You Sucker1971-10-29
What Have You Done to Solange?1972-03-23
Anna: the Pleasure, the Torment1973-11-27
Permettete signora che ami vostra figlia?1974-04-13