Birgitte Price1934-04-29
The Girl and the Playboy1965-10-15
Don Olsen kommer til byen1964-12-18
Father of Four and the Wolf Cubs1958-11-10
Father of Four: In the City1956-11-12
Verdens rigeste pige1958-07-31
I Stykker1966-11-21
Oh, to Be on the Bandwagon!1972-09-12
Jeg vil ikke være alene1980-10-06
Helle for Helene1959-08-17
Mariannes bryllup1958-02-26
Der var engang1966-10-01
Hjemme hos William1971-03-28
Kys til højre og venstre1969-03-13
Stine and the boys1969-02-21
Farlig ungdom1953-08-24
Father of Four: In the Countryside1955-11-07
Father of Four1953-11-02
Det store løb1952-12-22
Father of Four: In the Snow1954-11-01
A Sailor goes ashore1954-07-26
Taxa K-1640 efterlyses1956-08-05
Father of Four: And Uncle Sofus1957-11-25
Sin Alley1957-08-22