Sofia W.D.1924-10-12
The Five Faces of Kadarwati1983-01-01
Yuyun, a Mental Hospital Patient1979-12-27
For You, I'll Give Everything1984-12-27
The Queen of Black Magic1981-01-01
The Longest Dark1970-01-01
Malam Pengantin1975-05-08
Lagu Untukmu1973-03-22
Tjita-Tjita Ajah1960-03-08
Pergaulan Metropolis1994-05-12
The Temptation of the Demon Woman1978-03-31
The Lady1973-01-01
The White Crocodile1982-02-01
Queen of the South Coast1980-01-01
Roro Mendut1982-01-02
The Moon on the Graveyard1973-03-31
Max Havelaar1976-09-09
Greedy Appetite1977-01-01
River of Love1971-01-01
Lady in a Trap1980-01-01
Golden Queen1955-01-01
Badai Pasti Berlalu1977-11-28
Mystics in Bali1981-01-01
Arie Hanggara1985-04-15
The Earth Gets Hotter1973-01-01
Bulan Purnama1953-02-04
Behind the Mosquito Net1983-01-01
Treachery of G30S/PKI1984-11-01
The Last Train1981-02-28
Timang-timang Anakku Sayang1973-05-23
Lara jonggrang (Candi Prambanan)1983-01-01