Valentina Ushakova1925-03-09
Viva Castro!1994-05-30
Anna Karamazoff1991-05-01
No Margin for Error1975-10-06
The Rescuer1980-10-27
The Boys from Leningrad1954-06-06
The Trial1990-06-01
It Can Not Be Forgotten1954-07-05
Silver Dust1953-10-18
Roads and Destinies1956-04-09
Alyosha Ptitsyn Develops Character1953-06-06
Green Lights1956-04-21
An Unusual Summer1957-02-07
Street of the Youngest Son1962-11-08
You're Happy, Zhenka!1984-10-29
Time of Desires1984-12-21
It Can't Be!1975-10-23
The Mire1978-10-29
Facts of the Past Day1981-11-15
No Return1974-04-08
Night Guard1957-12-16
The Cat in the Bag1979-09-17
Moscow Does Not Believe in Tears1980-02-11
Different Fortunes1956-09-21
Young People1971-03-26
Fun for Old People1977-02-07
Пущик едет в Прагу1965-11-05
მწვერვალთა დამპყრობნი1952-07-01