Kristina Söderbaum1912-09-05
Let's go crazy1988-03-01
Süss, the Jew1940-09-24
Night Train to Venice1996-07-19
The Great King1942-03-02
The Golden City1942-09-03
Hanna Amon1951-12-21
I'll Carry You on My Hands1958-11-06
The Great Sacrifice1944-12-08
The Journey to Tilsit1939-11-02
The Immortal Heart1939-01-31
Covered Tracks1938-08-25
Stars Over Colombo1953-11-17
Circus Girl1954-02-05
Verrat an Deutschland1955-01-12
Sången till henne1934-10-08
Die blaue Stunde1953-03-05
Die blonde Frau des Maharadscha1962-05-03
Onkel Bräsig1936-09-24