Miriam Kantorková1935-03-13
Unknown Hour2009-08-27
'Okay, Boss...!'1978-01-06
Kluci z bronzu1981-06-26
Romance for Bugle1967-03-03
The Prime of Life1967-10-13
Konec cesty1960-03-11
Devilish Luck 22001-02-01
The Hope1964-01-17
Oldies but Goldies2012-04-12
Andělská tvář2002-03-14
Alma schafft alle1980-05-01
One of Them Is the Murderer1971-04-23
The Girl on the Broomstick1972-09-08
Babovřesky 22014-02-20
Všechno nejlepší!2006-06-01
Kronika žhavého léta1973-08-31
Pokus o vraždu1973-10-12
Our Gang1977-07-29
V podstatě jsme normální1982-03-12
My Dear Aunt and Me1975-05-23
Mark of Cain1989-01-09
Atomová katedrála1985-04-01
Sweet Games of Late Summer1970-07-21
Hubert the Smart Boy1985-06-01
As Good as Poison1986-07-01
Školní výlet2012-02-23
Serpent's Poison1982-02-19
We, the Lost Girls1972-12-05
Prodavač humoru1984-01-01
Zlatá svatba1972-06-02
The Wonderful Years That Sucked1997-04-03
Helluva Good Luck1999-03-04
Kam slunce nechodí...1971-12-31
Summer with the gentleman2019-02-14
Time of the Servants1989-11-01
Kat nepočká1972-03-15
The Jester's Tale1964-12-18
Tři nevinní1974-03-01
Oh, diese Tante1978-04-23
Muž s orlem a slepicí1978-12-22
Černá punčocha1987-11-01
Jsi falešný hráč1987-09-01
Le cri coupé1994-10-29