Antonina MaksimovaUnknown
Come Tomorrow...1962-12-03
Ballad of a Soldier1959-12-01
Early on Sunday, I dug a potion1971-05-21
Your Contemporary1968-01-22
The Secret of Two Oceans1957-03-25
This Is How Mayakovsky Began1959-08-24
Party Secretary1971-03-30
On the Wild Shore1967-02-27
Late Child1971-02-11
Petersburg Nights1934-02-19
Adventures of a Dentist1967-02-27
How the Steel Was Tempered1973-11-03
Lenin in Paris1981-11-01
The Judgment1962-07-11
Sud chesti1949-02-25
The Grasshopper1955-04-01
The Great Tamer1974-12-25
Everything Could Have Been Otherwise1982-12-20
The Mire1978-10-29
Leon Garros Is Looking for His Friend1961-01-13
We Didn't Learn This1976-01-05
Concerto for Two Violins1975-07-18
The Steamroller and the Violin1961-12-30
Reserve Officer1972-05-22
Beware of the Car!1966-05-22
Red Sun1972-11-08