Danny Poon Wang-BanUnknown
Eastern Condors1987-07-09
The Prince of Temple Street1992-08-20
The Tigers1991-07-02
Days of Tomorrow1993-08-05
Once Upon a Rainbow1982-04-21
The Twilight of the Forbidden City1992-05-09
On the Wrong Track1983-04-15
Happy Go Lucky1987-05-21
A Taste of Killing and Romance1994-08-05
Wrong Wedding Trail1984-09-06
Encounters of the Elite Enforcers1993-01-01
Lucky Stars Go Places1986-06-20
Old Man and Girl1989-01-01
Happy Ghost III1986-07-03
Saviour of the Soul1991-12-19
From Here to Prosperity1986-01-09
Gameboy Kids1992-06-12
May We Chat2014-06-19
Call Girl '881988-01-01
Lonely Fifteen1982-04-20