Jana Dítětová1926-10-07
Podivný výlet1978-03-10
Šestapadesát neomluvených hodin1977-10-21
How to Get Daddy to Change1978-12-24
How to Pull Out a Whale's Tooth1977-12-24
The Joke1969-02-28
Fortress on the Rhine1962-12-21
Nobody Knows Anything1947-11-28
Holiday with Angel1953-04-03
Sny o Zambezi1982-12-17
Divá Bára1949-04-29
Tank Brigade1955-10-05
Jakou barvu má láska1974-01-04
Smoke on the Potato Fields1977-04-15
Extended Time1985-10-01
Plavení hříbat1976-06-11
Grandmothers Recharge Well!1984-07-01
Dog's Heads1955-03-25
Karel a já1942-12-04
The House of the Five Squirrels1944-02-25
Give the Devil His Due1985-10-01
My Daughter's Operation1987-02-01
At the Terminus1957-12-20
Anna the Proletarian1953-02-20
Happy Journey1943-12-25
May Stars1959-05-05
It was in May1951-06-01
Kavárna na hlavní třídě1954-01-22
Six O'Clock at the Airport1958-03-07
A Life at Stake1956-11-23
Zvony z rákosu1951-01-19
The Road Back1959-04-17