Ota Sklenčka1919-12-19
Zlaté rybky1978-04-07
Sólo pro starou dámu1979-09-21
Poéma o svedomí1979-08-24
Reportáž psaná na oprátce1962-01-05
Atomová katedrála1985-04-01
Little Bobesh1962-02-09
Černá dynastie1962-11-30
The King of Kings1963-07-12
Attention, Rounds!1982-04-23
Death Is Called Engelchen1963-05-03
Začít znova1964-03-13
Sny o Zambezi1982-12-17
Golden Queen1965-10-22
The Great Movie Robbery1987-01-01
Burglar and Umbrella1971-04-09
Straw Hat1972-03-24
Mys Dobré naděje1976-05-14
Dream City1973-11-15
The Death of Black King1972-03-31
Pod nohama nebe1984-05-01
Tank Brigade1955-10-05
Days of Betrayal1973-04-27
The Liberation of Prague1977-05-06
Dark Sun1980-09-19
Miss Golem1973-03-30
Běž, ať ti neuteče1977-04-22
The Island of the Silver Herons1977-01-21
My Dear Aunt and Me1975-05-23
Putování Jana Amose1983-10-01
Count Dracula1971-01-03
Ohnivé ženy se vracejí1987-03-28
The House of Lost Souls1967-10-20
Oil Lamps1971-11-05
The Last One Will Go to Hell1982-07-23
Extended Time1985-10-01
Zločin na Zlenicích hradě1972-01-02
The Third Prince1983-07-01
Tomorrow I'll Wake Up and Scald Myself with Tea1977-08-12
Paleta lásky1976-12-24
Vím, že jsi vrah...1972-01-21
Nezralé maliny1982-04-04
The Damned House of Hajn1989-09-01
Zločin v Modré hvězdě1974-02-22
The Lupinek Case1961-04-07
Experiment Eva1986-04-01
Šílený kankán1983-05-01
Lovers in the Year One1974-03-15
I Dutifully Report1958-01-03
Mykoin PH 5101964-03-20
Mordová rokle1952-05-23
Na konci města1955-03-11
Rytmus 19341980-11-28
Zkouška pokračuje1960-09-02