Erwin Kohlund1915-02-23
The Consequence1977-12-02
Café Odeon1959-03-28
Geld und Geist1964-10-08
Uli the Tenant1955-12-22
Uli der Knecht1954-10-19
The Cheese Factory in the Hamlet1958-12-26
Dällebach Kari1970-07-01
Gilberte de Courgenay1941-04-17
Romeo and Julia in the Village1941-01-30
Anne Bäbi Jowäger I. Part - How Jakobli comes to a woman1960-10-21
Anne Bäbi Jowager, Part 2 - Jakobli and Meyeli1961-03-24
SOS - Gletscherpilot1959-03-08
The Inventor1980-10-25
Girl in a Boot1985-01-18
The Frozen Heart1979-01-15
The Mountains Between Us1956-12-21
Krock & Co.1976-01-01
The Extradition1975-03-20
Der Chinese1979-01-26
The Cuckoo Years1967-11-07