William Kisum1931-05-17
The Goldcabbage Family Breaks the Bank1976-12-26
The Goldcabbage Family Gets the Vote1977-10-17
Five and the Spies1969-10-13
Emma's Shadow1988-01-01
The Queen's Guardsman1963-03-29
Love Thy Neighbour1967-09-01
Fætrene på Torndal1973-09-07
Justine and Juliette1975-06-16
In the Sign of the Gemini1975-07-17
In the Sign of the Lion1976-07-15
Agent 69 Jensen in the Sign of Sagittarius1978-07-20
Jeppe på Bjerget1981-02-16
Flaming Fire Chief1976-02-20
The Egborg Girl1969-09-12
Murder in the Dark1986-09-19
Nyhavns glade gutter1967-11-24
Relax Freddy1966-06-05
Den kloge mand1956-10-15
Jumpin' at the Bedside1976-01-28
Bedside Highway1972-09-15
Final Hour1995-06-26
Bedside Romance1973-01-01
Bedside Sailors1976-10-10
Bedside Dentist1971-09-03
Kærlighed uden stop1989-02-03