Gil Gerard1943-01-23
Buck Rogers in the 25th Century1979-03-02
Mom, Can I Keep Her?1998-06-10
Airport '771977-03-11
Fugitive Mind1999-09-14
The Lost Valentine2011-01-30
Some of My Best Friends Are...1971-10-27
George Lucas' Star Tours1986-12-28
Ghost Town2009-10-24
Fury to Freedom1985-09-21
Man on a Swing1974-02-24
Final Notice1989-11-29
Not Just Another Affair1982-10-01
Commando Earth Force1990-09-16
Monsters, Madmen & Machines: 80 Years of Science Fiction1980-10-11
International Airport1985-05-25
Killing Stone1978-05-02
Soldier's Fortune1991-09-04
For Love or Money1984-11-20
Stormin' Home1985-04-05
The Nice Guys2016-05-15
Dire Wolf2009-09-25
The Stepdaughter2000-10-31
Nuclear Hurricane2007-04-04
Hear No Evil1982-11-20
Help Wanted: Male1982-01-16
Bone Eater2008-02-15
Space Captain and Callista2019-12-09
Air Rage2001-07-24
Ransom for Alice!1977-06-02
Happy 100th Birthday, Hollywood1987-05-18