Nana Okada1959-02-12
The Shogun's Vault IV: The Gold Mines of Sado1983-05-27
Ten Duels of Young Shingo: Chapter 31982-07-30
Legend of the Eight Samurai1983-12-10
Angel Target1991-01-01
White Snake Enchantment1983-11-12
The Last True Yakuza1985-11-16
Highschool Scramble1982-12-18
Ten Duels of Young Shingo: Chapter 11981-05-15
Ten Duels of Young Shingo: Chapter 21982-02-26
Gensen-Kan Inn1993-07-24
Villain Field1995-05-29
G.I. Samurai1979-09-17
Wind Whistle in Field, Demon Sword: Matsudaira Tadateru cutting the world1987-07-01
Danger Point: The Road to Hell1991-10-11
Graffiti Youth: Sneaker Blues1981-02-11
Okinawan Boys1983-09-10
Wandering Himeshiro1982-02-12
The Book Peddler2016-07-02
Love & Pop1998-01-10
Far Away, So Close2013-06-15
Edogawa Ranpo Series Fascinated Beauty1980-11-01
Ah! Nomugi toge - Shinryokuhen1982-02-06
Hizoban Higasa no onna1984-01-13
Edogawa Ranpo's Beauty Series: Beautiful Woman with White Breasts Edogawa Ranpo's "Hell's Clown"1981-10-03
Kaibyō Arima goten1983-01-01
Yoru no yūwaku-sha hisho-chi no kyōfu kinpatsu bijo o nerau kyūketsu no kiba1982-08-14