Gisela Hahn1943-05-13
Cesar and Rosalie1972-10-11
The Tiger Gang1971-08-20
So Darling, So Deadly1966-08-05
Rulers of the City1976-12-03
Disco Fieber1979-03-15
When Men Carried Clubs and Women Played Ding-Dong1971-09-28
Devil Hunter1980-12-05
Durango Is Coming, Pay or Die1971-03-05
... und sowas muß um 8 ins Bett1965-01-15
Zambo, King Of The Jungle1972-07-13
Bang, and the Angels Sing1974-05-02
They Call Me Trinity1970-12-22
Palermo or Wolfsburg1980-02-01
White Fang to the Rescue1975-02-09
Don't Turn the Other Cheek1971-12-22
White Pop Jesus1980-01-01
L'Ultimo Aereo per Venezia1977-06-07
Bosco d'amore1981-09-08
Karigula - Monster der Liebe2024-10-12
Banana Joe1982-03-24
La supplente1975-10-09
Battle of the Stars1978-02-17
Deadly Game1982-09-03
A Common Sense of Modesty1976-03-09
The Loves and Times of Scaramouche1976-01-23
Spy Today, Die Tomorrow1967-08-11
Night Police Station1974-08-01
Again the Ringer1965-06-04
Emil and the Piglet1973-10-06
Incensurato, provata disonestà, carriera assicurata cercasi1972-12-07
The Sweet Time of Kalimagdora1968-05-24
The Servant1970-01-21