Simonetta Stefanelli1954-11-30
Moses the Lawgiver1974-12-22
The Godfather 1901–1959: The Complete Epic1981-03-24
The Hawk and the Dove1981-03-21
The Godfather1972-03-14
Young Lucrezia1974-08-23
Scandal in the Family1975-03-03
La moglie giapponese1968-06-24
The Big Family1973-03-03
Gli amici degli amici hanno saputo1973-02-08
Do Not Commit Adultery1971-09-13
Close Friends1992-05-16
The King is the Best Mayor1974-04-29
The Pisciotta Case1972-11-23
Three Brothers1981-03-19
Once Upon a Time in the West1968-12-21
Intimate Relations1975-10-29
Department Store1986-06-06
The Godfather Part III1990-12-25
La profanazione1974-10-05
In the Name of the Italian People1971-12-18