Anouk Ferjac1932-05-25
This Man Must Die1969-09-04
The War Is Over1966-05-11
Je T'Aime, Je T'Aime1968-04-24
Thank You, Life1991-03-13
Long Live Death1971-05-12
Sorrel Flower1967-09-22
Peppermint Soda1977-12-14
Doctor Francoise Gailland1976-01-14
Live for Life1967-09-13
Cité de l'espérance1948-10-27
Without Trumpet or Drum1950-06-13
Justice Is Done1950-09-20
Scandal on the Champs-Élysées1949-04-22
Hotbed of Sin1951-07-20
Buisson ardent1987-05-20
The Ones That Got Away1981-02-25
The Garden That Tilts1975-05-14
The Swinger1972-08-02
The Marriage of Figaro1961-12-25
Le Déménagement1997-02-02
Lucky Jo1964-11-12
La Traversée de Paris1956-10-26
Dom Juan1965-11-06
Les grands sentiments font les bons gueuletons1973-12-12
The Strange Mr. Steve1957-06-26
Clandestine Paris1957-10-11
Cœur de hareng1984-05-26
The Dialogue of the Carmelites1960-06-01
The Devil in the Box1977-04-19
Sadistic Hallucinations1969-07-30
The Strange Mr. Steve1957-06-26
Liberty Belle1983-09-14
The Old Country Where Rimbaud Died1977-08-08
Ce que savait Morgan1974-05-07
Little Marcel1976-04-06
Salut, voleurs!1973-06-21
Un revenant1946-10-18
El fugitivo de Amberes1955-05-16
L’espionne sera à Nouméa1963-07-24
Svarta fåglar1983-08-26
Quality Control1984-01-01
We Are All Murderers1952-05-21
Lien de parenté1986-03-19