Mariangela Melato1941-09-18
Moses the Lawgiver1974-12-22
Flash Gordon1980-09-01
Swept Away1974-12-18
Lost and Found1980-04-12
Love and Anarchy1973-02-23
Dear Michele1976-10-01
One Way or Another1976-04-30
The Working Class Goes to Heaven1971-09-17
Beach House1977-10-27
So Fine1981-09-25
To Forget Venice1979-04-14
Tomorrow We Dance1982-09-09
Il resto del Pap'occhio1980-09-19
Between Miracles1971-03-19
Di che segno sei?1975-10-23
Execution Squad1972-02-25
Un uomo perbene1999-10-01
Basta guardarla1970-12-27
Come Away with Me2005-04-01
We'll Call Him Andrea1972-10-14
Rebecca, az első feleség2008-04-07
The Seduction of Mimi1972-02-19
Summer Night with Greek Profile, Almond Eyes and Scent of Basil1986-10-31
Secrets Secrets1985-03-15
La fine è nota1993-02-10
Eye of the Cat1975-10-19
Il generale dorme in piedi1974-10-05
Dirty Linen1999-01-29
Come Together1971-09-25
We Are Cinema2021-12-16
Love Returns2004-04-19
C.I.A. Secret Story1975-08-21
My Dearest Son1985-09-20
La vita cambia2000-05-13
Par le sang des autres1974-03-07
The Tree of Guernica1975-11-19
La Presidentessa1977-11-17
Let's Have a Riot1970-03-19
The Married Priest1970-11-01
Probably Love2001-08-30
Filumena Marturano2010-11-30
Elio Petri: Notes About a Filmmaker2005-09-03
Help Me Dream1981-03-26
My Darling, My Dearest1982-04-03
The Days Are Numbered1979-12-01
The Sicilian Checkmate1972-02-03
The Cat1977-12-16
The Good Soldier1982-02-01
The Nada Gang1974-02-06
In the Pope's Eye1980-09-19
Behind the White Glasses2015-09-21