Mohsen Mohey ElDein1959-11-01
Saheb El Maqam2020-07-30
Ali Beh Mazhar1976-09-26
El Kahen2021-12-29
Alexandria… Why?1979-08-23
Mouths and Rabbits1977-10-17
Lips that don't know lies1980-09-19
I am For my Lover2023-02-03
Live Broadcasting2017-08-31
Lock Up Your Daughters1980-07-10
The Night Of Fatima's Arrest1984-03-26
EL ABALSSA1980-06-05
Precausion is Mandatory1983-10-10
Adieu Bonaparte1985-05-17
An Egyptian Story1982-09-27
The Sixth Day1986-09-29
A World of Children1976-09-24
Playing with demons1991-01-01
Saber & Rady2020-12-30
Youth on the palm of the imp1990-02-26
Mr. Qeshta1985-12-30
Anything But My Mother1990-04-02