Regimantas Adomaitis1937-01-31
King Lear1970-12-15
Идущий следом1985-03-01
Ice Kiss2008-10-03
Carousel on the Market Square1987-04-01
Sekmadienis toks, koks yra2005-01-31
Hard to Be a God1990-01-25
The Trust That Has Burst1983-03-18
Adomas Mickevičius. 1798 - 1855. Realybės versijos1998-01-01
Iz zhizni otdykhayushchikh1981-05-18
A Strip of Uncut Wild Flowers1979-10-15
Landscape With Three Bathers1995-06-22
The Green Van1983-12-28
Men Summer1970-09-05
The Fiancee1980-09-05
Akmuo ant akmens1971-12-27
The Devil's Bride1974-12-01
Sergey Lazo1968-02-26
Vilkolakio pedsakai1987-08-17
The Centaurs1979-01-29
Angels of Death1993-06-06
Wolz – Life and Transfiguration of a German Anarchist1973-11-25
Nobody Wanted to Die1966-04-18
Man against Man1975-12-21
Medaus mėnuo Amerikoje1982-11-01
You are...1993-01-01
Rich Man, Poor Man...1982-06-06
Life Is Beautiful1979-12-21
All Truth About Columbus1970-01-01
American Tragedy1981-10-26
Chameleon Games1987-04-25
The Last Months2007-02-10
The Face in the Target1978-09-08
Eastern Corridor1968-02-19
The Chronicle of One Day1963-12-29
The Accident1975-09-04
Saduto Tuto1974-12-01
A Man for a Young Girl1996-07-03
That Sweet Word: Liberty!1972-11-20
Yuliya Vrevskaya1977-10-02
Vincas Krėvė: Skirgaila1992-01-01
Способ убийства1993-01-01
Adult Games1968-05-13
Flight Over the Atlantic1984-01-08
The Mercedes Man File1986-01-01
Sodybų tuštėjimo metas1978-05-25
Life Will Go On!1995-01-01
Black Moon's Degree1992-10-07
I'm Sorry1982-12-05