Nikolay Eryomenko1949-02-14
Солнечный ветер1982-01-01
Ne Strelyayte v Passazhira1993-06-06
Give Me the Moonlight2001-03-01
Squadron of Flying Hussars1981-01-11
In Search for Captain Grant1985-05-13
Romance, Russian Style1994-07-10
Pirates of the 20th Century1979-12-10
Hurt Me1993-01-01
By the Lake1969-04-13
The Royal Hunt1990-06-06
The Youth of Peter1981-03-02
No Return1974-04-08
The Tavern on Pyatnitskaya1978-07-17
It Was the Fourth Year of the War1983-09-12
The Red and the Black1976-06-23
31st of June1979-11-11
The Apostate1987-06-27
Lev Tolstoy1984-10-26
Tests for a Real Men1998-08-23
A Chivalrous Romance2000-03-06
Son for Father...1995-01-01
An Unfamiliar Weapon, or Crusader 21998-01-01
Hard rain1974-10-26
Copper Angel1984-07-16
Fulfillment of Desires1974-05-13
Побег из тюрьмы1978-11-06
The Hot Snow1972-06-06
The Love of Mankind1972-12-01
The Ivanov Family1975-10-13
I'm Declaring War on You1990-12-01
Serafima Glyukina's Weekdays and Weekends1988-01-14
I'll Be Waiting...1980-02-02
Белые ночи1992-01-01
...I Will Repay1993-05-04