Ivan Mistrík1935-10-15
The Devil Does Not Sleep1957-05-17
The House in Karp Lane1965-03-12
Poéma o svedomí1979-08-24
Sneh pod nohami1979-06-15
The Man Who Lies1968-03-27
And I'll Run to the Ends of the Earth1980-03-07
Smrť prichádza v daždi1966-03-25
Romeo, Juliet and Darkness1960-04-15
A Face in the Window1963-12-25
Něco je ve vzduchu1981-05-08
The Copper Tower1970-08-28
Higher Principle1960-11-23
Šťastie príde v nedeľu1959-03-13
The Pickpockets1967-11-16
Eagle Feather1972-08-25
Every day - Sunday1962-08-12
Život na úteku1976-08-27
Indians from Vetrov1979-09-07
The Assistant1982-07-02
A Pact with the Devil1967-12-28
Súkromná vojna1978-05-05
Jarní povětří1961-02-24