Jan Hrušínský1955-06-09
Proč nevěřit na zázraky1978-04-21
The Girl on the Broomstick1972-09-08
The Galoshes of Happiness1987-04-01
Identity Card2010-10-21
The Flying Sneaker1991-09-01
Little Witch on a Broomstick2011-09-15
Пущик едет в Прагу1965-11-05
Brother for All the Money1979-05-25
My Brother Has a Cute Brother1975-08-08
The Gracious Ghost2013-12-24
Panter čeká v 17,301972-04-21
Affairs of my Wife1973-03-16
I Was a Teenage Intellectual (Byl jsem mladistvým intelektuálem)1999-01-27
Queen of the Lake1998-02-26
Boháč a chudák2005-12-24
Great Sorrow1975-01-17
Vážení přátelé, ano1989-09-30
The Galoshes of Happiness1987-04-01
The Day That Shook the World1975-10-31
Beauty in Trouble2006-09-06
Každý milion dobrý2016-06-18
State of Emergency2024-10-17
Caught by Night1986-05-01
Brouk v hlavě2003-01-05
How to Wake a Princess1978-03-24
Sofie a ukradený poklad2008-12-31
The Ro(c)k con Artists2006-11-02
Love Between the Raindrops1980-05-23
Serpent's Poison1982-02-19
The End of Old Times1989-01-01
Anička jde do školy1962-11-16
Kožené slunce2002-09-08
The Prague Orgy2019-10-10
Ach, ta láska nebeská…2020-03-14
Má láska s Jakubem1982-12-10
Who Looks for Gold?1974-12-20
The Gentlemen's Club2022-06-02
Kouzelník Žito2018-12-24
Crazy Kingdom2016-02-25
Klobouk, měšec a láska1986-02-01