Dean Reed1938-09-22
Kit & Co.1974-12-15
The Red Elvis2007-02-13
Adiós, Sabata1970-09-30
Red Elvis: The Cold War Cowboy2022-01-20
Death Knocks Twice1969-11-25
God Made Them... I Kill Them1968-04-29
Twenty Paces to Death1970-04-09
Karate, Fist and Beans1973-10-19
Die Vergnügungsspalte1971-03-26
Blood Brothers1975-06-26
Aus dem Leben eines Taugenichts1973-05-10
Buckaroo: The Winchester Does Not Forgive1967-10-28
The Nephews of Zorro1968-12-12
The Corsairs1971-07-01
Sing, Cowboy, Sing1981-06-12
American Rebel: The Dean Reed Story1985-10-18
Guadalajara en verano1965-01-28
The Lineage of Cain1971-12-07
La banda de los tres crisantemos1970-01-12
The Singer1977-12-11
Sotto a chi tocca!1972-10-24
Red Gringo2016-03-16
Soviel Lieder, soviel Worte1976-07-29
Secret Diary of Fanny1969-01-01
Windy Story1984-04-28
My First Girlfriend1966-03-17
Ritmo nuevo, vieja ola1965-08-19