Patrick Jouané1946-12-10
Letter to my brother Guy Gilles, filmmaker who passed away too soon1999-01-01
Earth Light1970-11-18
Four Nights of a Dreamer1971-06-29
The Garden That Tilts1975-05-14
Paris, A Winter's Day1962-01-01
Docile Night1987-11-25
Noon and Midnight1970-06-09
Chanson de gestes1966-01-01
Repeated Absences1972-11-01
Wall Engravings1968-02-07
Le Jardin des Tuileries1966-01-01
Côté cour, côté champs1971-01-01
Love at Sea1966-05-01
Le Crime d'amour1982-11-24
Ciné bijou1965-11-10
Le Partant1969-04-04
Un dimanche à Aurillac1967-04-04
Proust, l'art et la douleur1971-06-17
Pop Age1966-01-01