Albert Dray1946-01-28
Could This Be Love?2007-02-08
Empire of the Wolves2005-04-20
Cop au Vin1985-04-10
Quasimodo d'el Paris1999-03-24
The Thirst for Gold1993-08-31
My Little Business1999-09-01
The Cry of the Owl1987-10-28
The Corsican File2004-10-06
So Long, Stooge1983-12-20
Just a Game1992-04-22
Nothing to Report1973-08-15
The Last Romantic Lover1978-04-26
Taking Wing2000-07-05
Day Off2001-03-28
France / Tour / Detour / Two / Children1979-01-01
The Three Brothers1995-12-13
Farewell Fred1985-01-30
La Balance1982-11-10
Shadows in the Sun2005-05-12
Crime Spree2003-04-16
L'origine du monde2001-05-09
Only Girls2003-06-11
Vagabond Humor1972-07-05
Le Rescapé1986-08-27
L'homme fragile1981-04-21
Memoirs of a French Whore1979-10-17
The Joint Brothers1986-10-15
Mr. Freedom1969-01-08
The Police War1979-11-14
All That... for This?!1993-06-09
Sleepless Night2011-11-16
The Fighter1983-02-02
Shadow of the Castles1977-04-27