Kurt Raab1941-07-20
Feel the Motion1985-07-05
Why Does Herr R. Run Amok?1970-06-28
The Magic Mountain1982-02-25
Im Himmel ist die Hölle los1984-10-31
Fox and His Friends1975-06-06
Satan’s Brew1976-10-07
Fear of Fear1975-07-08
Boarding School1978-04-14
Ticket of No Return1979-10-27
The Stationmaster’s Wife1977-07-31
I Don’t Just Want You to Love Me1992-06-11
Tenderness of the Wolves1973-07-12
The Ghost1982-10-30
The Island of the Bloody Plantation1983-01-27
The American Soldier1970-10-09
Bremen Freedom1972-11-12
The Coffee House1970-05-18
The Ancestress1971-12-20
Out of Order1984-05-04
Ali: Fear Eats the Soul1974-03-05
Angry Harvest1985-02-20
The Merchant of Four Seasons1972-03-10
The Niklashausen Journey1970-10-26
The Brutalization of Franz Blum1974-03-26
Warum die UFOs unseren Salat klauen1980-04-18
Jail Bait1973-01-09
Mathias Kneißl1971-05-27
The Atlantic Swimmers1976-02-27
Der Durchdreher1979-03-08
Adolf and Marlene1977-03-15
Mother Küsters Goes to Heaven1975-07-01
Love Is Colder Than Death1970-01-16
Yearning for Sodom1989-03-21
Frankfurt: The Face of a City1981-10-01
Nur ein kleines bißchen Liebe1977-10-30
Angels of Iron1981-04-23
Like a Bird on a Wire1975-05-05
Beware of a Holy Whore1971-09-01
Escape from Sobibor1987-04-12
The Fall1979-01-18
Die Toten Hosen - 3 Akkorde für ein Halleluja1989-12-31
Pioneers in Ingolstadt1971-05-19
Bella Donna1983-03-26
Group Portrait with a Lady1977-05-25
Die Olympiasiegerin1983-10-19
Wie die Weltmeister1981-07-09
Bel Canto, or May a Hooker Sob?1977-11-03
Der Rekord1984-05-28
Miko: From the Gutter to the Stars1986-05-30
My Name Is Not Ali2011-11-07
Rio das Mortes1971-02-15
Fire and Sword1982-01-15
Mussolini and I1985-04-14
End of the Commune?1970-06-05