Dumitru Chesa1932-03-07
O lumină la etajul zece1984-10-26
The Secret of Bacchus1984-03-05
Tufă de Veneția1977-01-10
The Migrant Birds Are Coming1984-03-25
The Beech Forest1987-08-17
The Power and The Truth1972-02-15
The Snowstorm1973-11-19
The Conspiracy1973-07-10
Magic Circle1975-12-15
Păcală se întoarce2006-06-09
Postcards with Wildflowers1975-06-24
The Castellans1967-09-11
Herodot's Mystery1976-01-01
Tragic Vacation1979-05-21
Mireasma ploilor târzii1984-01-01
Love and Warm Water1992-06-08
Fii cu ochii pe fericire1999-01-01
Dănilă Prepeleac1996-01-01
Look Ahead with Anger1993-04-04
Politica cu… delicatese1964-04-05