Françoise Brion1933-01-29
Nelly and Monsieur Arnaud1995-08-23
Attack of the Robots1966-04-27
Sweet and Sour1963-09-04
A Game for Six Lovers1960-01-20
The Denunciation1962-07-18
Very Happy Alexander1968-02-09
Follow My Gaze1986-04-23
And Satan Calls the Turns1962-10-24
The Salary of Crime1964-12-26
The Blonde from Peking1967-08-25
She Is Conann2023-11-29
The Other Side of the Mirror1973-09-24
The First Day of the Rest of Your Life2008-07-23
Vincennes Neuilly1992-04-29
De cuerpo presente1967-08-28
The Suns of Easter Island1972-08-23
Isabelle Eberhardt1991-11-21
Love Me Strangely1971-02-10
That Night1958-09-11
Focal Point1977-10-25
The Temptation of Isabelle1985-10-23
The Track1975-05-14
Family Jewels1975-03-05
The French Game1960-12-26
Women Are Like That1960-09-20
Ladies' Man1962-03-21
Le Début de la fin2012-04-27
The Frog Prince1986-02-21
Caravan to Vaccarès1974-08-08
The French Detective1975-12-10
The Mysterious Death of Nina Chereau1988-08-24
A Young World1966-03-25
Le Bel Âge1960-02-10
To Grab the Ring1968-03-14
The Vertical Smile1973-03-19
Attention, the Kids Are Watching1978-04-12
Witness in the City1959-05-06
Rue du Bac1991-03-20
The Dance of Death1960-05-25
Give Me My Chance1957-10-18
Le Divorce2003-08-08
Portuguese Vacation1963-10-09
Tales of Paris1962-01-17
The Erasers1969-05-19
Der Chauffeur von Madame2011-05-13
Toutes les femmes sont des déesses2000-01-10
Les murs1964-06-04