Robbie Coltrane1950-03-30
Ocean's Twelve2004-12-09
Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone2001-11-16
Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets2002-11-13
Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban2004-05-31
Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire2005-11-16
Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix2007-07-08
Mona Lisa1986-06-13
Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince2009-07-15
From Hell2001-02-08
Oh, What a Night1992-10-09
Eat the Rich1987-10-23
Nuns on the Run1990-03-16
The Brothers Bloom2008-09-09
Alice in Wonderland1999-02-28
Van Helsing: The London Assignment2004-05-11
Van Helsing2004-05-03
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 12010-11-17
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 22011-07-12
Ghost Dance1983-12-15
Britannia Hospital1982-05-27
The Adventures of Huck Finn1993-04-02
The Gruffalo2009-12-25
Harry Potter 20th Anniversary: Return to Hogwarts2022-01-01
Defence of the Realm1986-05-09
The World Is Not Enough1999-11-17
Provoked: A True Story2007-04-06
Boswell and Johnson's Tour of the Western Isles1993-10-27
Let It Ride1989-08-18
Arthur Christmas2011-11-10
The Gruffalo's Child2011-12-25
Danny the Champion of the World1989-04-29
On the Nose2001-10-23
The Planman2003-03-31
The Secret Policeman’s Third Ball1987-01-01
The Secret Policeman’s Biggest Ball1989-01-01
The Supergrass1985-11-08
The Pope Must Die1991-06-21
Blackadder's Christmas Carol1988-12-23
Great Expectations2012-11-30
Effie Gray2014-03-08
Bert Rigby, You're a Fool1989-02-24
Subway Riders1981-04-02
The Best of French & Saunders2002-08-05
The Magic Touch of Harry Potter2004-06-11
Triple Bogey On A Par Five Hole1992-03-21
Midnight Breaks1990-10-18
In Search of James Bond with Jonathan Ross1995-12-10
National Lampoon's European Vacation1985-07-25
Summer School1983-01-31
The Bullshitters: Roll Out the Gunbarrel1984-11-03
Five Go Mad in Dorset1982-11-02
The Beat Generation1983-01-17
Five Go Mad on Mescalin1983-11-02
Dirty Movie1984-01-07
Gino: Full Story and Pics1984-01-28
South Atlantic Raiders: Part 11990-02-08
South Atlantic Raiders: Part 2 Argie Bargie!1990-02-08
Red Nose of Courage1992-04-09
Five Go to Rehab2012-11-07
The Fruit Machine1988-11-04
Message in a Bottle1999-02-22
The Tale of Despereaux2008-12-18
30 Years of Comic Strip2012-11-03
Frogs for Snakes1998-08-14
Robbie Coltrane: Incredible Britain2008-01-01
Alive and Kicking1991-10-13
Byrne About Byrne1988-04-01
When Harry Left Hogwarts2011-11-11
Chinese Boxes1984-11-29
Still Game: The Story So Far2014-12-31
Robbie Coltrane at the BBC2022-12-26
Kevin Turvey: The Man Behind the Green Door1982-03-13
The Hunt for Tony Blair2011-10-15
The Legend of Lochnagar1993-04-11
Loose Connections1984-04-13
Absolute Beginners1986-04-04
The Movie Life of George1989-02-10
Henry V1989-10-05
The Strike1988-02-20
The Bogie Man1992-12-29
50 Greatest Harry Potter Moments2011-07-27
Flash Gordon1980-09-01
Where the Heart Is1990-02-23
Space Virgins from Planet Sex1993-04-29
The Ebb-Tide1998-03-29
Cracker: Nine Eleven2006-10-30
Death Watch1980-01-23
An Audience with Billy Connolly1985-10-26
Goldeneye: The Secret Files1995-12-26
Blackadder's Most Cunning Moments2008-10-16
Waterloo Sunset1979-01-23
Cracker: White Ghost1996-10-28
Danny and the Dirty Dog: The Making of 'Roald Dahl's Danny the Champion of the World'1989-09-01