Horst Frank1929-05-28
Jerry Cotton: The Trap Snaps Shut at Midnight1966-03-04
Rosemary's Daughter1976-11-19
The Angels of the Street1969-10-23
Jailbreak in Hamburg1971-10-14
Crooks in Clover1963-11-27
The Grand Duel1972-12-29
The Grand Duel1972-12-29
Operation Ganymed1977-12-11
Django, Prepare a Coffin1968-01-27
Cold Blood1975-07-18
Stalingrad: Dogs, Do You Want to Live Forever?1959-04-07
The Vengeance of Fu Manchu1967-05-25
Eine Handvoll Helden1967-11-16
The Cat Shows Her Claws1960-03-09
Johnny Hamlet1968-03-22
The Moment to Kill1968-08-04
Hate Thy Neighbor1968-07-26
Sharks and Little Fish1957-09-26
The Head1959-07-24
Bullets Don't Argue1964-08-21
Desert Commandos1967-09-01
Thirteen Days to Die1965-04-16
The Pirates of the Mississippi1963-10-17
Conquerors of Arkansas1964-11-19
Neuland Suite1985-01-01
Secret of the Chinese Carnation1964-10-09
Red Dragon1965-07-16
Wolves in the Abyss1959-06-23
Cariño mío1961-10-13
And Jimmy Went to the Rainbow's Foot1971-03-12
Operation Hong Kong1964-03-20
Hong Kong Hot Harbor1962-05-22
Mission To Hell1964-06-18
The Copper1958-03-20
Rebel Flight to Cuba1959-11-05
Blitzmädels an die Front1958-08-21
Kein Engel ist so rein1960-02-18
Fabrik der Offiziere1960-12-29
Marquis de Sade: Justine1969-04-03
Meine 99 Bräute1958-12-04
The Dead Are Alive1972-05-25
Black Eagle of Santa Fe1965-03-11
Der Stern von Afrika1957-08-13
Dead Woman from Beverly Hills1964-04-09
Das Traumhaus1980-09-05
Unser Haus in Kamerun1961-12-21
The White Spider1963-04-05
Dead Run1967-08-10
Der Vorgang1973-03-07
Death in the Sun1976-03-15
Eye in the Labyrinth1972-03-24
Die Nacht von Lissabon1971-04-08
The Spy Who Went Into Hell1965-08-13
Thou Shalt Not Kill1961-09-05
The Black Panther of Ratana1963-03-15
The Angry Young Men1960-04-27
Lovers Woods1960-08-13
Auch Mimosen wollen blühen1976-02-06
Drive on a Life1961-10-11
Das Gesetz des Clans1977-03-24
Mutiny in the South Seas1965-10-07
Schließfach 7631975-04-14
Frisch, fromm, fröhlich, frei1970-09-03
Der Besuch1984-03-18
Ways in the Night1979-09-09
Die Elixiere des Teufels1976-11-04
I Deal In Danger1966-12-01
Der scharfe Heinrich - Die bumsfidelen Abenteuer einer jungen Ehe1971-03-26
Diamond Safari1966-06-28
Countdown to Doomsday1966-09-09
Catherine the Great1996-04-28
Thunder from the West1969-07-10
Diamond Rush1969-01-10
So Sweet... So Perverse1969-10-31
The Cat o' Nine Tails1971-02-12
Das Glöcklein unterm Himmelbett1970-12-25