Stefan Iliev1935-06-25
The Little Mermaid1976-12-17
Forget About This Case1985-05-06
A Real Man1975-03-21
Operation Delta Force 4: Deep Fault1999-12-09
The Weddings of Ioan Assen1975-01-03
Dawn Over the Drava1974-03-15
There Is Nothing Finer Than Bad Weather1971-03-05
Run... I Love You1979-04-16
Mr. Nobody1969-05-22
A Dog in a Drawer1982-05-24
Captive Flock1962-05-01
Liberty or Death1969-01-02
Echelons of Death1986-04-28
Wrathful Journey1971-04-23
Where Are You Going?1986-03-26
To Eat the Apple1976-01-09
Between the Rails1964-03-16
The Stolen Train1971-04-15
Der Revolver des Corporals1967-05-31
A Difficult Love1974-10-04