Lauren Williams1981-09-13
SHINE 92013-04-19
SHINE 82013-02-23
ROH: Final Battle 2021 Preshow2021-12-11
SHINE 172014-02-28
TNA May Mayhem 20152015-05-29
TNA Final Resolution December 20082008-12-07
SHINE 102013-05-24
TNA Bound for Glory 20112011-10-16
TNA No Surrender 20102010-09-05
TNA Slammiversary XII2014-06-15
Dark Rising 2: Summer Strikes Back2011-08-09
TNA: Knocked Out2008-10-07
Good Intentions2010-03-09
Night Cries2015-11-27
ROH: Honor For All2019-08-15
IMPACT Wrestling: Slammiversary XV2017-07-02
Queens Of Combat QOC 32014-11-30
DEFY2 Wolves At The Door2017-04-07
DEFY4 Gigantic - Tag 12017-06-29
Queens Of Combat QOC 132016-08-06
Christmas with a View2018-11-01
DEFY5 Gigantic - Tag 22017-06-30
ROW Ladies Night Out 52019-02-23
ROH: Best In The World2019-06-28
TNA Victory Road 20092009-07-19
TNA Bound for Glory 20072007-10-14
TNA Slammiversary 20092009-06-21
ROH: Death Before Dishonor XVII2019-09-27
TNA Slammiversary 20082008-06-08
TNA Turning Point 20072007-12-02
TNA Genesis 20072007-11-11
TNA Victory Road 20102010-07-11
TNA Victory Road 20112011-03-13
TNA One Night Only: World Cup of Wrestling 22014-09-05
TNA Lockdown 20102010-04-18
TNA Hardcore Justice 20112011-08-07
TNA Destination X 20092009-03-15
TNA One Night Only: TNA Gut Check 20152015-09-04
TNA Hard Justice 20082008-08-10
TNA Bound for Glory IV2008-10-12
TNA Hard Justice 20092009-08-16
TNA Slammiversary IX2011-06-12
TNA One Night Only: Global Impact: USA vs The World 20152015-12-04
ROH & NJPW: G1 Supercard2019-04-06
TNA Lockdown 20082008-04-13
TNA Sacrifice 20082008-05-11
TNA Victory Road 20082008-07-13
TNA No Surrender 20082008-09-14
ROH: Bound By Honor2020-02-28
ROH: Glory By Honor XVII2019-10-12
ROH: Final Battle 20192019-12-13
TNA Lockdown 20092009-04-19
TNA Sacrifice 20092009-05-24
TNA Bound For Glory 20102010-10-10
ROH: Unauthorized2019-11-03